Thursday, November 6, 2014

Malem leimana lumpala? Palem Emana malumee||

 Yaksha Prashna
The Story of the Righteous Crane
 Mahabharata, Aranya Parva, 311–12

Question no 8:-

The Yaksha asked, “What is heavier than the earth itself? What is higher than the heavens?” What is fleeter than the wind? And what is more numerous than grass?”

Yudhishthira answered, “The mother is heavier than the earth; the father is higher than the heaven; the mind is fleeter than the wind; and our thoughts are more numerous than grass.”

There is a version similar in Manipuri Puya also which is an excerpt from the sumang leela 1709,

Malem leimana lumpala?
Palem Emana malumee||
Korou Mana Wangpala?
Korou Nongdol Epana Mawangee||

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